The pricing of Reno Bartending School is competitive.
The school has some of the best bartending trainers and the best tools and training materials of any school. The course uses a specific system that has taught thousands of people bartending extremely quickly.
Our online programs are, by far, the best deal. However, if you are looking to really get the ‘hands-on’ experience and bar training I would recommend actually attending one of our classes. We also offer 1-on-1, in-home training. This will teach you bartending and give you “real world” experience. Our 1-on-1 training takes the course right into your kitchen. We give 1-on-1 training in Reno, Sparks, Fallon, Carson City, Gardnerville, Minden, Genoa, and Washoe.

Here are our most current prices:
$249 – Online
$349 – 15 hour course
$549 – 21 hour course
$899 – 40 hour course
(Ask about our Reno website specials)
The thing to consider about bartending school is that this is an investment in your career. Well-versed bartenders can make up to $200-1200 per night. Of course, this amount is highly dependent on your work ethic and location. One thing is for sure, the price of the course can easily be re-couped if you follow through with becoming a bartender.